Monday, October 18, 2004

Narrative of montage

I went to exhibition "The Art of Romare Bearden" at the Whitney Museum. He usually uses collage and photomontage techniques to express his religious concept and landscape of North Carolina and Harlem in New York. In his painting, collage and photomontage tell various stories. Each photo or image in his painting has a unique story and these pieces together create whole story of his painting. His painting has numerous stories and conveys more meaning than just message of the title of his painting. So, we presume that his montage is a non-linear story on two-dimensional space.

Here is more information about the exhibition ...

The Art of Romare Bearden
on October 14, 2004 – January 9, 2005
Peter Norton Family Galleries, Floor 3, Whitney Museum
A much-heralded retrospective of Romare Bearden’s work, this exhibition includes the brilliant collages and photomontages for which he is best known, as well as his vibrant watercolors, monotypes, and book illustrations. Bearden and his fellow African-American artists created art based on their own unique experiences, and his visual narrative takes us from the rural South to the industrial North, from Harlem to the Caribbean island of St. Martin.

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