Saturday, October 30, 2004

Romantic Detachment

PS1 MoMa
The British artist - David Blandy who is invited by ‘Romantic Detachment’ group exhibition showed ‘The way of the barefoot long pilgrim’. He traveled in New York playing old soul music record in his old portable phonograph. He said he wanted to find and match his imagination when he listens to the soul music which includes the title related to a location name in New York. The soul music “Hell up in Harlem” which he likes and listens to often dragged him to real Harlem in New York. During his pilgrim, he didn’t wear shoes and wear an orange color uniform of Kung Fu for pilgrim. However, he was disappointed that the real place in New York didn’t match with his imagination when he listened to the music. Through this pilgrim, his journey made him find his identity even though his journey hasn’t finished. This is related to finding the identity of his country and his culture. His country, England, experiences confusion of their identity because recently England followed America’s line opposite way of French, German, and other Europe Countries about Iraq war. It was very interesting that he matched the goal of his artwork and situation of his country.

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